I'd never even ridden a motorcycle in my life...but I wanted one... and it had to be an old one...(hand shift)
Sold a few things... had a bit of money... searched and searched and searched...
Turned out I had a hankerin for a 45" Harley... something about the lines when stripped for racing, just spoke to me!
Eventually I spent some of my money and bought a '33 Ford Coupe race car... turned out to not be what I had hoped for... so listed it for sale... or trade for a motorcycle. Had some offers but nothing panned out to trade.
The racecar left on a boat and my bank account had a short time with a full belly...
Around Thanksgiving 2009 I came across an add online for a '51WL restored at a price I could easily afford.
Made a call... took a drive... brought it home.

There she sat... in all her 58mile glory... shiny paint, chrome, whitewalls, PERFECT...
Happy as can be... I proudly owned a realy nice old Harley Davidson...
So.. I did what any red blooded American boy would do...
Stripped her down and hopped her up!